How wonderful that you're here! ONE FOR ALL - ALL FOR ONE
The 'Drei Musketiere Reutlingen e.V.' is a small charity organization that accomplishes great things. 'Drei Musketiere' (Three Musketeers) because when we started in early 2016, there were three of us, and we wholeheartedly dedicated ourselves to the good cause! Now, we are 19 musketeers, mostly volunteering, working for people in need. Our goal is to provide assistance to people from the Syrian crisis area and other vulnerable individuals from crisis and disaster-stricken areas, directly on-site where support is urgently needed. We provide humanitarian emergency aid and develop sustainable educational projects.
We firmly believe that food, education, and housing are human rights. These elements lay the foundation for independent living with dignity.
Überblick über unsere Projekte
Humanitäre Hilfe, die ankommt! Unser Engagement in Krisenregionen.
Soforthilfe mit nachhaltiger Perspektive – Unser ganzheitlicher Ansatz. In all unseren Projekten steht neben der schnellen Notfallhilfe die langfristige Entwicklung im Vordergrund. In Syrien, im Libanon und auch in Hatay nach dem Erdbeben reagieren wir zügig auf akute Krisensituationen – stets mit dem Ziel, durch gezielte Wiederaufbau- und Unterstützungsmaßnahmen die Bevölkerung der betroffenen Regionen nachhaltig zu stärken.
Auch unser Women Empowerment-Projekt in Izmir verfolgt diesen Ansatz: Hier werden geflüchtete Frauen aus Syrien und der Türkei nachhaltig befähigt, ihre Fähigkeiten auszubauen, eigenständig zu handeln und aktiv am gesellschaftlichen Leben teilzunehmen.
Findet heraus, wie wir durch unseren ganzheitlichen Ansatz sofortige Hilfe und dauerhafte Perspektiven miteinander verbinden.

Key Focus Areas -
What sets us apart.
We have already based our focus areas and long-term strategy on two pillars. The second pillar is sustainable support for disadvantaged women in the form of our 'Woman Education & Empowerment Center' (KEP) in Izmir, which we opened in early 2021 after over 1½ years of planning. The center is designed to empower women and show them pathways to lead independent and dignified lives. An essential additional component of KEP is our integrated 'Daycare.' During the course of the training program, women can, of course, bring their children with them. This allows them to focus on the program without worries, while we take care of the intensive care and education of the children.