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UPDATE UKRAINE DAY 11-13 - 08/18/2023

Dear ones,

A long, very strenuous and extremely intensive mission is coming to an end.We are happy and grateful that we can do what we do. But we are even more grateful that we can all return home safe and sound.

Working and living so close to the lines demanded everything from us. But we are returning home now. Thousands of people can't do that. You are at home. A home that was destroyed by a Russian aggressor and is sometimes shot at day and night. People die. Immeasurable suffering occurs.We have achieved a lot for our standards. During the last days at the front we visited more villages and distributed thousands of liters of water. We visited a small hospital in one of the villages and will provide support with medical supplies and medication.

Not far from the river, founded by the charity St. Martin de Porres, run by around 15 courageous women and other volunteers, a great “soup kitchen” was created. We had delivered several pallets of food in advance. Over 1,000 meals are cooked there every day and distributed to various neighborhoods in Kherson. We pitch in wherever we can and help with distribution to the neighborhoods. Some of them, we call them the “Channel Islands,” are only a few hundred meters from the Russian lines. This is also the region of the terrible flood after the dam was blown up. It is extremely hot and dusty. Artillery thunders. Everything has to go fast. In the afternoon, several explosions were heard in the center of Kherson.

Our highlight on the last day was the visit to the last, still active children's hospital in Kherson. Here too we will provide support with medical material in the future.

But the most touching moment came when our Mattia Flip Mattia performed his incredibly loving magic show. Thank you Mattia for your dedication.

Let's see what happens? Maybe we can build a children's playground. Can you help us?

The next mission is already being planned.

Be calm!

Your Musketeers

We would like to thank the Baden-Württemberg Foundation from the bottom of our hearts for supporting our Kherson aid project!< /p>


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