Humanitäre Hilfe, die ankommt!
Unser Engagement in Krisenregionen.
Soforthilfe mit nachhaltiger Perspektive – Unser ganzheitlicher Ansatz. In all unseren Projekten steht neben der schnellen Notfallhilfe die langfristige Entwicklung im Vordergrund. In Syrien, im Libanon und auch in Hatay nach dem Erdbeben reagieren wir zügig auf akute Krisensituationen – stets mit dem Ziel, durch gezielte Wiederaufbau- und Unterstützungsmaßnahmen die Bevölkerung der betroffenen Regionen nachhaltig zu stärken.
Auch unser Women Empowerment-Projekt in Izmir verfolgt diesen Ansatz: Hier werden geflüchtete Frauen aus Syrien und der Türkei nachhaltig befähigt, ihre Fähigkeiten auszubauen, eigenständig zu handeln und aktiv am gesellschaftlichen Leben teilzunehmen.
Findet heraus, wie wir durch unseren ganzheitlichen Ansatz sofortige Hilfe und dauerhafte Perspektiven miteinander verbinden.
zum Projekt

Overview of Our Projects
We have based our focus areas and long-term strategy on two sustainable pillars. Our first and immensely important pillar is 'Emergency Aid' and support for people who have fallen into distress through no fault of their own, forced to leave their homes due to war, violence, terror, or adverse climatic and economic conditions. We do not discriminate based on skin color, origin, or religion.
The second equally important and supporting pillar is the sustainable support of disadvantaged women through a 'Women Education & Empowerment Center' in Izmir, which we opened in early 2021. Through this center, we aim to show people, especially women, ways to lead an independent life with dignity.
We believe that education is a human right, and every individual should have access to education.
Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world.
(Nelson Mandela)
We believe that love and compassion constitute a universal, all-encompassing religion. It requires no temples, churches, or faith. It is enough to be a human being with a smile and a warm heart.
(Dalai Lama)
We believe that every individual is unique and powerful in their own way. As an organization, we encourage people to take risks and make mistakes. We learn, grow, and become better, stronger, and smarter.
Unfortunately, in many regions of this world, people in need still rely on humanitarian assistance. Especially during the winter months, we provide humanitarian emergency relief at numerous 'hotspots' around the globe.