Donation Receipt
We are pleased to issue a donation receipt for donations of 300.00 € or more. Please include your address in the payment reference so we know where to send your donation receipt.
We automatically send out donation receipts in the first quarter of the following year.
For donations up to 300.00 €, the tax office accepts the simplified proof of donation, which you can download here. This document, in conjunction with your cash receipt, a copy of your bank statement, or a printout from online banking, serves as a donation confirmation (donation receipt) to be submitted to your local tax office.
Donation Receipt
We are pleased to issue a donation receipt for donations of 300.00 € or more. Please include your address in the payment reference so we know where to send your donation receipt.
We automatically send out donation receipts in the first quarter of the following year.
For donations up to 300.00 €, the tax office accepts the simplified proof of donation, which you can download here. This document, in conjunction with your cash receipt, a copy of your bank statement, or a printout from online banking, serves as a donation confirmation (donation receipt) to be submitted to your local tax office.
Vereinfachter Spendennachweis für Spenden bis 300,- Euro als PDF-Datei (ca. 3,2MB)
Restricted donations:
We are very grateful for every donation, no matter how small. We guarantee that your donation will be used exclusively to fulfill our statutory purposes. If you would like to allocate your donation to a specific purpose, project, or particular need, we will make every effort to use your donation in that manner. However, there may be various reasons why this may not be possible or necessary. If that is the case, your donation will benefit another project or need where it is equally urgently required.
Spenden via PayPal
Mit einem Klick auf das Bild kommst Du direkt zu PayPal
Hier kannst Du direkt für ein Projekt Deiner Wahl spenden.
Boundless - [ Bawnd : luhs ] - grenzenlos, unbegrenzt, unbeschränkt, unendlich
Mit unserem Label zeigen wir grenzenlosen Respekt für Mensch und Natur. Benachteiligte Frauen zu stärken und sie dabei zu unterstützen, ein selbständiges und würdevolles Leben zu gestalten, ist eine Herausforderung, der wir uns gerne stellen. Wir produzieren nachhaltige und zeitlose Mode, in kleinen, limitierten Auflagen aus nachhaltigen Materialien, unter fairen Arbeits- und Ausbildungsbedingungen. Klasse, statt Masse! Stärkung statt Textilsklaverei! So entstehen faire und ehrliche Produkte ohne viel SchnickSchnack, hergestellt mit grenzenloser Liebe.